Good day everyone! Time for a cup of coffee. Pull up a chair and sit awhile. A few years ago I had the pleasure and joy of traveling to Israel with a group from the church I was attending at the time. One of our many stops was at what is known as the Garden of Gethsemane (technically I guess is Gethsemane – Garden of Olives). Jesus went here to pray before the passion at the foot of the Mount of Olives. I was moved at that time to write a poem which I share with each of you here.

Footsteps tread softly on this hallowed ground,
This land where Jesus walked and spoke.
Hush for the breezes blow gentle on my face.
For even now the birds sing softly of His passing.
Listen for His words, teachings, cast to the ages.
Silence . . . let your heart feel His presence, His love.
More than history, crumbled stone, time and place
With deepest reverence this place and moment consume me.
He was here before me, the world was changed forever.
Humbled beyond all measure so long ago.
He reaches out to me even now, a quiet voice within
Life without measure, His words still echo on the wind.
Here where He taught, prayed and lived so long ago
Seek all to rejoice in this awesome place.
This gentle man who died here, yet He lives
That my sins and yours would be His forevermore!
Photo and poem by Phil Mills, Jr.
As we move into this season of Good Friday and Easter, perhaps it’s a good time to slow down and reflect on the meaning His great sacrifice for us. God bless my friends. Phil Mills, Jr.